The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

100 Days

Well I did it. I have stopped being a newspaper delivery guy.  It was fun while it lasted. Only good memories. Seeing lots of wildlife. Like deer, skunks, and raccoons.  I am a pretty trivial guy so I counted how many days I actually delivered the newspaper.  It was all of July (31 days). All of August (31 days). All but one day of September (29 days).  Eight days in October, and my actual start day was June 30th.  I am pretty bad at math. Did I add up the days right? Imagine that. Exactly one hundred days.  One hundred dark mornings waking up sometimes as early as 2:45 a.m. Driving down to the Dairy Mart, one mile away from my house. Picking up as many as 95 papers and as few as 82 papers.  Putting them into my car and driving to my first stop. The hospital. One hundred days. Not in a row. But almost. I had my brother Kevin and his daughter Audrey fill in for me one day while I attended a campout with my son Isaac.  Have you ever knowingly did something for at least one hundred days straight?  I am told, and you will likely concur, that a habit takes 21 days to form.  Give or take a few days, I’ve heard.  Well this was a good habit and I can really vouch that it had become a habit. I could deliver a paper to one house and almost automatically just go to the next house and then the next house and then the next house. It was weird. If there was a day that I had to do it different, my body would turn the wrong way which was actually the right way, but wrong on the days I had to do the route differently. Suchas Sundays when I drove most of the route or on Wednesday’s when the papers are too large to carry more than 40 at a time. Then I would drive part of it and then walk and this meant doing the route differently.  I think I sound like a teacher.  If Johnny delivered 31 papers and Betsy delivered 29 papers and Stevie delivered 31 papers, how many papers did Ivan deliver?  You know what I mean.

Well I don’t plan on delivering papers anymore. But never say never. I am keeping my carrier bag. Who knows, maybe I will use it as a prop in a skit for a sermon in the future. At any rate, I hope you enjoyed the newspaper delivery stories.

October 8, 2008 Posted by | 1000 Things To Do Before I Die, First Editions, newpaper delivery stories | 1 Comment