The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Top Ten Favorite Pasttimes

We all have a list of things we have loved doing over the years.  Whether it be going skiing once a year with friends, snow and water skiing, or barbequing in the shade of a summer eve, or visiting some historic site that brings back fond memories. Or it could be something you still do, that originated a long time ago.  Here is my short list of favorite pasttimes, some that I still love to do.

10.  Sipping ice tea under a large shade tree in someone else’s or my own backyard.

9.  Playing catch with my dad, and now my son, Isaac.

8.  Sunday drives in the country.

7.  Sleeping outside in the summer time. Especially in August when we can see meteor showers.

6.  Picking blackberries and/or huckleberries with family and friends.

5.  Taking a driving vacation.

4. Starbucks coffee, sitting in the store, or on the go. 

3.  Watching my children open up gifts

2.  Watching NFL football games with my wife. 

1.  Golfing.   I love to golf. I only get to golf once or twice a year, but its by far one of my most favorite pasttimes.

January 29, 2009 - Posted by | family, Second Editions, Sports stuff | , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Good choices! Me, I prefer reading as my pasttime.

    Comment by magnifique100 | March 1, 2011 | Reply

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