The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Fourth of July

Much can be said about celebrating the 4th of July. Our freedom, our nations birthday, our picnics, our fireworks, our baseball games, our eating apple pie and used to being able to say Chevrolet, as being all-American.  But the best part of today, this July 4th of 2009, was being able to celebrate it with friends and family.  We had an awesome day. Starting with going to an Aquatic Center and swimming for about three hours. Then watching several minutes of great fireworks. A special thank you to all of you in Clarkston, Washington for lighting off your illegal fireworks, you outdid yourself andwe all loved them.  They were much appreciated.

My Fourth of July enables me to celebrate freedom to make choices and not have choices made for me. I enjoy the freedom to worship God as I please, to go to work where I want to work, and to raise my children with hopes they too will have freedom to do the right things. 

Hope you had a great Fourth of July.

July 4, 2009 - Posted by | First Editions | , , , , ,

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