The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Life Lite

Woke up yesterday to a couple of swimming races taking place on the Snake River. Watched a couple of groups of swimmers standing on the Clarkston Beach,doned in green caps waiting to plunge into the river. It was a 3/4 mile race that would take them under the blue bridge to another beach.  Eight o’clock in the morning never sounds like a good time to go swimming, for me.  But here they were, taking the plunge. Since I don’t subscribe to the local newspaper, I don’t yet know who won either race.

I do know that this kind of race isn’t the kind where anyone would wake up and say to themselves, “I think I will swim in a race today.” Not without some kind of preparation for it.  It’s the word “preparation” that I find either fulfilling a persons life, or shortcutting a persons life. Paul exhorts people to run in a race and finish it. To not let anything cut in front of them and detour them.

When we prepare for something, we have much chance to succeed.  Then if we are aloof and foolhardy in our approach to life. In a time where lots of drinks are “lite” and diet foods are in abundance, are we “lite” in our life, shortcutting our life, or are we prepared for the long haul?  You decide.

July 5, 2009 - Posted by | First Editions | , ,

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