The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Keeping Current

Now that I have a new best friend, Facebook, I am finding it hard to blog. I get current, updated news from friends and family in Facebook and because I can give instant updates in there, I don’t take the time to come to WordPress and blog. I will try harder. I will challenge myself to blog more and link my blogs to Facebook for quicker reading by friends and family.

Yesterday I took the family to the beach in Clarkston for one of our last swims of the summer. Swimming in the Snake River is pretty cool. We can see the beach from our house. To get to the beach we have to drive over the Blue Bridge separating Lewiston, Idaho and Clarkston, Washington. Lewiston doesn’t have a good beach. So it’s worth driving to the Clarkston side.

My kids start school this Wednesday.  They are excited to start, although my son wishes summers lasted forever.  I am excited for them, although my work schedule will make it hard for me to see them off or to be home when they get home from school.

On Wednesday September 2nd, I get to help open a brand new Super Walmart in Clarkston. I have been working there getting the store ready to open, now for about a month. It’s tough work. I am always sore and tired. Having two day weekends to recover is very helpful. 

Today is Sunday and the day we get to go to church. A rest day.

August 23, 2009 - Posted by | First Editions | , , , ,

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