The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Fall Time

The days get shorter. The air gets colder. The lights of the city burn brighter. People wear more clothing. Walkers in front of my house stride a bit faster. Dogs have more to sniff, or so it seems. Autumn and the time for things to die. Not my favorite time of the year, but a time that I enjoy only the color of trees changing to my favorite color. I love green and I love orange. So it seems appropriate for the trees to change to orange. What I dread, is when the trees live naked for three or four months, waiting for spring and new leaves to appear. 

I “get through” the fall and winter by hoping and waiting for spring to reappear. But I also think about it as a “do over.” Things change, yet many people I know can’t handle change. I guess they just tolerate the changes of the seasons. But when it comes to change in their own lives or changes that God wants to bring in their lives, they put up the “speak to the hand,” motion and stand firm in their stoic belief that “change is bad.” 

I, for one, enjoy change.  I also realize just how fast time flies. When a person works 40 hours a week and works three other jobs, sometimes I get no time off and time goes by so fast, I have to stop and ask what day is it really? 

Now its only a few weeks until Thanksgiving and I know I am one of many people who stopped complaining about society “overlooking” Thanksgiving and getting right to Christmas. I think of it as two months of holiday celebration.  How about you?  I’ve spent over 20 years  in grocery retail and I used to get tired of all the Christmas music by the time Christmas actually arrived. Now I want more Christmas music.  My daughter recently bought a Christmas cd with her favorite Disney Channel actors and actresses singing some great Christmas songs.

It made me think about how Atheists try so hard to get us to stop saying Merry Christmas during the holidays. Shame on them. Because think about all the Christmas songs that mention the words “Christmas” in them. Even non-faith people enjoy them and would put up fuss if they were outlawed. 

I hope you are enjoying fall as much as I am.  Happy Thanksgiving and I will hold off the Christmas wishes until the appropriate time.

November 9, 2009 - Posted by | First Editions | ,

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