The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Homework and my son

Today at the Lewis-Clark State College baseball doubleheader, my son sat next to his really good friend Patrick. When I told Patrick that we might be moving to a house closer to him, we got to talking about the area and it was noted that Jenifer Junior High School was between us. Patrick told Isaac that he wasn’t looking forward to Junior High because it meant he would have to do a lot more homework.

My son, Isaac’s response was, “I am already in Junior High then.” 

He always has more homework than most kids because he always has late work. He does well when he gets his work turned in on time, but he just can’t seem to get it done in class.  I got a good laugh from my son’s statement.

March 27, 2010 Posted by | family times, small town living | , | Leave a comment