The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Getting busy living

It’s a famous line in the movie The Shawshank Redemption. “Get busy living or get busy dying.” I was flipping channels tonight and came across the ending to the movie Unforgiven, with Clint Eastwood.  Just as Gene Hackman’s character is about to die by being shot by Clint Eastwood, he yells, “See you in Hell.”  I am pretty sure he was saying he was getting busy dying.  Sure enough, the guy with no heart in this movie, Eastwood, shoots him dead. 

Most of us reading this I am pretty sure are busy living.  What we are living for is relative to each person.  Some will say they live for their families, others will say they live to get wealthy, and others will simply say they live for others. 

In my house are many ants.  I am pretty sure they must be Australian ants because the Bible say’s that the ant stores up in summer so that they will have plenty when it’s, well, not summer.  (Its currently summertime in Australia).These ants either did a terrible job this past summer finding food to store up or maybe they were just plain lazy. At any rate, they now own my basement I am getting busy helping them die. 

So, what’s your take, are you busy living or busy dying?  What gets you up and out of bed each morning and gets you through the day, and allows you to call it a day and crawl into bed at nighttime? Food? Money? Family? 

So just as Red said in the Shawshank Redemption movie, “Get busy living or get busy dying,” I say likewise.  I say, in all you do, give thanks to God above, be kind to those who are put around you, and get busy living.

January 15, 2011 Posted by | First Editions | Leave a comment