The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Happy 15th Anniversary to my wife Myleen!

Happy 15th Anniversary!

Wow! Fifteen years! Are you kidding me? We’ve been married this long? While most of my friends have been married a hundred years, we will seem to be  just getting started, but I’ll take it.
Without my marriage to Myleen, I wouldn’t be experiencing the joys (and a few disappointments, ha ha) of being a husband, nor would I be experience the joy of being a dad.
Fifteen years ago, I married my bride, Myleen Buensalido, whom I met while teaching English in Cambodia. Before we got married, we went on dates to exotic places like 7/7 restaurant for ice cream in the northside of Phnom Penh, the California II for french toast along the Mekong River, and the Royal Phnom Penh Hotel Restaurant for Thai food. 

After taking a year to go through the fiancee’ visa process with great help from former Washington State Senator Slade Gorton, we finally tied the knot at 12:00 noon @ Shoreline Community Church in Shoreline, Washington, on February1, 1997.  Me, being almost 37 years old, and her being just a few years younger. 

We had talked about having children and I said I wanted four and she wanted two so we compromised and had two children.  Isaac Charles, born January 2000 and Anika Sarah born 2002.  I was almost 40 years old when I became a dad and a few times people have asked me how my “grandchildren were doing,” or “you have beautiful grandchildren,” and I would just smile and laugh inside my head.  Even last summer, their golf coach asked them to ask their grandpa, (me) if I wanted to join them in a skills test. 

Myleen and I have had that talk about the “next fifteen” years and have agreed to sign on for more married years.  What the hey, we’re friends. 

To my bride of Fifteen years, Myleen, it’s not been the best of times, but it has been the best of times.  Let’s make more good and bad times together. Okie dokie? Yes,yes, sireee, bob bob beran! Happy Anniversary Myleen.  With a whole lot of love and endless kisses, your main man, Charlie, Chuck, Charles Grogan

February 1, 2012 Posted by | First Editions | Leave a comment