The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Been Gone. Back Now

Reading and writing have always been my favorite things to do in life. English was my favorite subject in school. Math was my least favorite. Fortunately, in my life today, I have to do all three subjects. Whether it be for my job(s), I’m in grocery sales and merchandising, for my family, helping run the budget for with a wife and two teenage children, and for my every day living, that would be golf and travel.

What I’ve been reading lately is other people’s blogs on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The latter one I rarely am a part of.

I think I stopped writing in The Charlie Report five years ago more to do with the fact I couldn’t get it to connect with Facebook.  So in a way, this is my test Report to see if it actually will work this time.  I

I also think I stopped writing because life caught up with me. I got really busy living the job life, being a provider for the family and lost contact with one of those things I loved to do. Write.

There is a writer out there who I recently connected with on Facebook, Jon Acuff, who challenges people who want to write, to start writing and he tells us how to do it. And he tells us how to get published. Writing a book is on my “to do” list that has quite a few of unfinished and in-started books, blogs, and articles.

The only thing I written in the past three years was an article for the Lewiston Tribune in the Religion section.  And they published it. And that inspired for me for about a month.

So here’s to hoping this gets connected to Facebook in a way that you can find it and read it or scroll past. (I scroll past dozens of things written on Facebook, so I won’t be offended if you do likewise to anything I write). At any rate, enjoy and I will try hard to not make it uninteresting or time-consuming, because, well, if your like me, you too are busy living.

August 13, 2017 Posted by | First Editions | Leave a comment