The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

When a Neighbor’s parents die

I’ve enjoyed 49 years with my parents. I was born 11 months after they got married, so essentially, I have been with them two months after they were married.  I don’t think about them not being around anymore. In fact they were just at my house tonight, preparing for our big garage sale tomorrow. 

But my next door neighbor informed us via phone, that his mom had passed away.  Harold lost his dad this past January and now, after several weeks of misdiagnosis at the local hospital, St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Lewiston, Idaho, and after being flown by Leer jet to Boise Idaho, just this past Monday, she died. She died from Lou Gehrigs disease. Something St. Joseph’s didn’t diagnose. 

I am sad for Harold. We’ve only known him a year and I’ve had many opportunities to listen to him talk about life with his parents growing up in these parts of Idaho.  He is seriously going to miss his parents. I am not sure what he is going to do. He will now live in a big ol empty house. 

I know what we plan on doing. Being his friend for life.  It’s the best thing we can offer someone who is in morning. He has lived with his parents for several years now, taking care of all their needs, extensively medical.  Now he will alone.

I can’t imagine losing my parents, though I am living assured that they will make to to Heaven whenever that day comes.  But for now, I am available to help Harold cope with his loses and pray that he will find solace in four people, a mom, dad, a son, and a daughter who live right next door.

May 15, 2009 Posted by | Creating Community, small town living, Valley Christian Center | , , , , | Leave a comment