The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

When That Voice Say’s Something

You know when it happens. You do something and “the voice,” your conscience, “something spoke to me,” say’s something to you and you have a moment to respond. Do you listen to the voice? Or do you ignore it, brush it off, or let the words sink in and then respond?  Well Thursday morning, “the voice,” spoke to me. I was putting things together while staying in a hotel in Spokane and felt compelled to take a moment to find “the word for today.” That “word” would be to simply open my Bible and find something compelling, awe-inspiring, challenging, life-changing, or simply “a Christian duty.”  I open my Bible and thumbed through it looking for something I underlined, highlighted or a word to jump out at me. I by-passed several of the above-mentioned as this particular Bible is full of highlights and underlines. I stopped at I Corinthians 9:27. I had previously underlined, “…I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.”  The whole passage deals with running in a race and running to win.

I left my hotel room, went to work, and when I came back, I found the following note on my Bible, “I would like to say thanks 4-leavin your Book opened. I read the first 1/2 page. Thanks again. Enjoy, Sammy. I needed it.”

Sometimes we listen to the voice, the Holy Spirit, our conscience, or whatever you want to call it, and when we do, we get cool results.  Sometimes when we ignore it, we miss out on doing something great for someone else.  I want to be a vessel used by God, to help others grow, especially in relationships with God.

April 13, 2009 Posted by | Creating Community, Second Editions, Valley Christian Center, words that speak to me | , , , , | Leave a comment