The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

Invest and Invite

Friday night we had a movie night at our church. We showed Kung-fu Panda on the big screens.  Our kids at our church were encouraged to invite someone or someones to the movie. My kids passed out “ticket” invites to their friends at the bus stop and at school.  When it came time for the movie, two of my son’s friends showed up.  The children’s director at our church rewarded those who brought friends, as a way to make the idea of inviting someone to church for a movie, stick. 

After the movie my wife and I met the mother of one of Isaac’s friends who came to the movie. Here’s where this idea of inviting someone to church, sticks! (works).  She said she had never been to our church before but her son was adament about coming to the movie. When she got into the main sanctuary where we showed the movie, she was really impressed with how our church looked and asked us if this is where we attended church. We said yes then filled her in with service times on Sundays and Wednesdays and invited her back. 

A few years ago I heard a sermon by Andy Stanley called Invest and Invite. I have actually preached the same sermon, making it relative to the areas that I preached it in.  (checkout for information on how to get your own copy of the sermon). 

So here’s my invite to you to come visit our church. You can check it out at  I am just fascinated that an invite is so simple yet there are many of us church-going, Christ-following, people who can’t make ourselves do just that. Invite someone to church. Try it.  Right now. Go. Invite someone to attend church with you. Get up, go do it.

January 25, 2009 Posted by | Creating Community, Ministry, Valley Christian Center | , , | Leave a comment