The Charlie Report

Creating Community One Reader at a Time

School’s Out for the Summer

Today is my kids last day of school.  Then its a whole summer of being creative so that they don’t get bored. We dumped TV so that our kids would read more, spend more time outside, write more, and basically not be lazy this summer. Here are some of the things my kids will get to do this summer.

1.  Swim for free this Saturday at the Asotin County Aquatic Center.

2.  Isaac’s finishes his baseball season on Monday, June 8th.

3.  Both Isaac and Anika won free tickets to Silverwood in Northern Idaho for completing a reading program at school. So we will go there sometime this summer.

4. We get to fish in Idaho!

5.  Isaac and Anika are joining a summer reading program at their school’s library. 

6.  Doing the Vacation Bible School roulette with local church’s VBS’s. 

7.  Taking a trip in July to a yet-to-be-determined destination.

8.  Hoping to go to our family reunion in Vancouver, Washington this August and take in the Clark County Fair.

9.  They get to hang out with me all summer long. Between jobs of course.

10.  They get to sleep past 7:30 a.m. every morning. Yee Haw!!!

What are you and your kid’s summer plans?

June 4, 2009 Posted by | First Editions | , , , | 2 Comments